Selamat Hari Raya Korban dan Maaf Zahir & Batin dari kami sekeluarga,dengan ucapan makan ketupat tu ingat-ingatlah kami diperantauan ni.
Well,Hari Raya Korban means "The Sacrifice Celebration Day".Although I did the wishing in Malay,but that would be a never ending best wishes for Muslims throughout the world coz we'll be celebrating Eid ul-Adha tomorrow.Ever since I could remember,I have always liked and waited for Eid ul-Adha for one special reason-get to see cows being "korban" or sacrificed.
Well,when it comes to "raya" celebration,the best expected scenario is people rushing back to their hometown for family gathering at least by tonight and once again I'll be celebrating it here..huhu..nor I have to attend my school tomorrow..huhuhuhu..Anyway,where ever you are and how you'll be celebrating your Eid ul-Adha,wishing you the merriest ever!
Selamat Hari Raya Qorban, K.Umie & family.
beraya diperantau bulih geng dgn "pengorbanan" tak? hehe...
Salam Aidil Adha to Waniey & hubby too(*^-^*)
boleh la tu consider "qurban"...habih tu xkn nak sembelih lembu kot...hehehehe
Selamat Hari Raya. Masak apa esok? Mama Raimie esok pi bertandang rumah orang aje :-)
Salam Aidil Adha to lina & family too(*^-^*)
esoknak masak pe ek?Izu-ku sekolah..papa keje..hmm..tinggal sesorang ni yang x syok nihh..huhuhuhuhu
Hi kak Umie,
Salam Aidiladha.
Kita lagi haru. Pagi raya makan nasi putih ngan telur goreng mata.
Then, gie lab pepagi buta sebab giliran kita buang sampah. Huhuhh..
Nie, sungguh raya qurban namanya.
Hie Asma-chan,
Salam AidilAdha to you too(*^-^*)
sama-samalah kiter ber"qurban" ye..apo nak buekkkk..huhuhuhu
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