I love music,of course next to TV & PC games.Recently Pa received an iPod Shuffle from his office(good huh!)and gave it to me.For your info.,Pa helped me to install a lot of Ultraman's theme songs and some others which I like.When do I use iPod?Well,I use it when traveling by train(sometimes I played Nintendo DS while traveling) or before go to bed.Ma?Yup!she used it when she's alone at home or while riding a bicycle to her school,which needed her to travel approximately 10 km or 30 minutes through a short cut path across the vegetable farms.Surely physically & mentally exhausted especially during her sleepless nights,but Ma said it was fun to be accompanied by her iPod and what most important,she also found that cycling's a very good exercise too:)
Errr..iPods or handphones,anyone???(*^-^*)
sugoi! bila agaknya Mama & Papa Raimie nak beli satu utk Raimie ye? ^_^
lina,tu sbb dpt free,,sbb tu Pa bleh kasik kt IQ..klu harap nk belikan iPod semata2,mmg susah la..baik belikan buku ke apa...huhuhu
Psttt...Qayyim...habaq ke mama tuh bahaya naik gerek boh ipod di telinga...ma apa2 mai dr belakang x dengaq.....silap2 syok kediri truih masuk longkang...hehehehe.......
PDA tuh menarik perhatian betoi la...bila tah nk pi Nihon lg...nk pi membeli-belah....chewaaahhhhhhh......
hahahha..mmg pon Ma salu nek gerek sambey senyum...layan lagu indon,omputeh & hindustan...opss...nihongo!
PDA tu kena tanya Pa..dia tau saja!menat la katakannnnnnnnnnn
wow! k.umie naik beskal 10km?? pergi+balek=20km? huwaaa.. sungeii.. tabek (ameng) spring!!
aah waniey..itu le dia...hahahaha...tapi time natsu je kuruih..skang ni tembun semula :P
natsukashiinaaa sebut ameng spring..tingat lagu "sampai hati"..kwangkwangkwanggg..
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