Well,at last after I came back from school at 2pm,me & Ma decided to go to Auntie Yan's place,where we also met Auntie Ros & family there too,without Pa who attended another year end party conducted by the Bank.
Know what made Ma so excited to go to Auntie Yan's?haha..because of her favourite laksa which both Aunties @ "Mak Buyungs" cooked!Nahh..believe me that was not her actual reason for going.Actually it's been a while since I last saw the other M'sians,and I really missed my language speakers..huhuhuhu..but still I couldn't speak a proper Malay when talking to them...how sad!
Thanks to Auntie Yan,Uncle Jishin & Arisa-chan.
Gochisousamadeshita m(_ _)m..
Not forgotten,many thanks to Auntie Ros too,for her delicious rendang ayam nogori,sambal kacang & nasi himpit(*^-^*)oishikattayo!
KUmie beraya jugak yer.. huhuhu.. syiok nyee.. jelesss!!!
hehehe.nak seribu daya wpon balik malam buter;)
takpa... yang penting semangat raya. balik time embun dah keluar pun takpa :p
takde buat open haus ke?
tol tu..cuma yg lecehnya nak kejut ada sorg budak tu bangun gi skolah the next morningnya..adeh!liat sungguhhhh...
open hse x buat la kot...alkisah "thesis-mode-activated" dah ni..huhuhuhuhu
Salam Umie,
Selamat hari raya...sedapnya dapat makan2.
Ros & Damia-chan pun ada.
Macam cam la Auntie Yan tu ! kohai batch Umie gak ke?
Salam K.Rubie,
selamat hari raya juga!aah...dpt la merasa rendang ayam,nasi impit & sambal kacang ros....sedappp!
sou!sou!yan ni batch saya gak..dlu kt okayama-dai..
salam mama iq ,
wah..wah u ol kat sana ni,,bestnye raya ..makan laksa ,favourite tu !!!sedapnye...nyumm nyumm .
Macam2 makanan pun ade ,terasa macam kat M'sia lak :-)
salam mama irfan & dalili,
hehehe..gitu ler raya kt sini..klu x pegi embassy tu mmg harapkan open house je la..nak2 raya ni kena hari biasa,laaagiii la mcm x raya..huhuhuhu..
kt sana camner raya?masak apa?
kak umi.. salam aidil adha... demam thesis ker!!!... gambatte ne.. tapi suka tengok gambar catz tu... such a nature theraphy... kirim salam sumer.. love to read your blog... really nice and creative...
salam fitrah...slamat hari raya dr akk juga..ada kt wakayama ehhh??natsukashii ne!tpt abg mie dlu tu...best kan dok kt kpg??anyway tks for always:))
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