Nabe means "Pot" (or a meal simmered in a pot),while Chanko is the meal eaten by sumo wrestlers.Common ingredients are chicken,fish,tofu,and vegetables like Welsh onions and Chinese cabbage,all cooked in a seasoned soup stock.
Japanese cuisine offers a variety of one-pot meals served with rice.Soup stock is heated in a pot at the dining table.Previously cut ingredients,generally vegetables, fish and/or meat,are simmered and eaten around the table.The Japanese enjoy the camaraderie that comes from gathering around a "nabe" with family members or good friends, especially when it is cold outside.
After you finish eating all of the ingredients,the next step is to add "udon" noodles or cooked rice,then finish everything to the last drop,savoring the thick soup.
Sedap tengok nabe tu...terasa nikmat hirup panas panas..Hari ni takdan jumpa di ruamh Nash/fiza..Kak ani kalut tak ketahuan..
Amboi..gigi anak teruna dah nak tukar...sakan dia sengih nooo
wah bestnyer... auntie nak jugak :-)
Cam sedap ja tgk sup tuh...ngn enoki segala..isok nk wat sup ngn bergedil dagin la...sedap wooooo.......layannnnnn..........
aah!gigi depan dia keluaq dah se..lagi se tu x keluaq2..huhuhu..mau lagi kot:X
meh mehh...jom kita makan chanko.nae(^-^)/
mmg sedap pon..boh kimuchi lagi sedap!tak pon makan dgn sambal kicap...fullamakkk...terangkat!ala2 yongtaufu gitu..huhuhu..berangan!
Cat rumah baru?
Nampaknya Chiaki dah pandai masak makanan jepun ya...
salam k.ahni:)) pi la..dok saja2 busan jugak!hehehe
senang ja japanese food ni k.ahni..lg senang dr malay food..xyah tomeh2..rebuih ja!low cholestrol some more;)
izz...dah besarnya kamu. Bila nak balik malaysia?
Natsukashii nya NABE...
natsukashii deshou??lama giler x mkn nabe ni...senang banget!rebus2 je...
aah!qayyim dah bujang dah...anak2 dara & teruna ko sure dh besau2 ek?nak tgk gambo terbaru...anto ler!
Salam Umie,
Bestkan makan nabe sejuk-sejuk ni.
Ropong Izz sama la dgn ropong Faris, keluar pun yg kiri dulu, gigi kanan tak keluar-keluar..hihihi.
Salam K.Rubie:)
aah!mmg saikou dpt mkn nabe sejuk2 ni kan k.rubie;)
yeke sama dgn faris?tu la..keluar tunggul sebelah je..yg sebelah lagi tu ntah bila nak keluar..hehehe
nikmat nye nabe tuh time2 samui cam skang ni.
tol tu wanie:))
mlm ni wat sup ayam plak...hirup panas2...slurpppp!
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