Ultraman I.Q. in Action
Yarghhhhh!!!!...I'm the Ultraman I.Q.@Izz Qayyim!!Aunty Yuko took this picture when I spent a few hours at her house to play with Souma,Suzuka & Tsukimi last Friday,while Ma was having her workshop at school.I was so happy to find Souma's Ultraman clothes and Aunty Yuko helped me to wear it actually;)..Ma?huhuhuhu...of course she was so shocked to see me in this appearance!adussss...anakku sazali..apa sudah jadiii??
wah...ultraman...bagus tu..just found out yr blog...interesting. minat kat baju ultraman tu...berape ek?..my heroes tengok melompat nak satu....
anyway nice to hear yr progress kat sana...i'm shifting out from jfkl. dpt tempat kat technology park m'sia.
Salam...Hie Riena!Howdy do?Long time no hear;)wooo..minat baju ultraman eh?bleh tanya Yuko tu nnt..esok jumpa dorang..ada projek XXX start 10am..hehe!ic..so congrates on your new job..all d best k!hugs & kisses to your kids..keep in touch huh!
wahhhh ultraman.. Ultraman taro tuh yg mcm mana eik...
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