Going Crazy..
Ma had gone crazy and it was all because of me!huhu..itsumo gomennasai(sorry for always)..m(_ _)m...wanna know why?Here you go:
Again!I interrupted the "Frog Prince(s)"(it might be a Princess(es) either!)which was lazily resting in dark green water surrounded with Frogs-Kids-In-The Pool(a new version of New-Kids-On-The-Block)..well, it shouldn't be such a big issue if the pool was clean and well kept by the Management Office..also,if I could ever swim!arghhh!!!(kalau la tetomoih ka terjunam masuk dlm kolam yg penuh dgn katak,berudu,sampah sarap tu...alalala...mmg x dapek la nk nolonggggg..demo nanto iwaretemo boku wa shirangburi wo suru..shikamone,ichibang mukatsuitanowa,hokano okaasantachi no maede,jibun no ko wo ikura okottemo nakanaka ookina koe wo dasenaindayone..okorarenainoyo!!!!!!nande?nande?nande????arghh!!!sabaq ja la....)
Playing football with Souma,after he & his 2 cutie little sisters,Yuusaku(son of a Phychiatric)together with a few other friends came to play at my house...
Souma's little sisters-Tsukimi(3yrs old) & Suzuka(4yrs old)..both of them go to kindergarten..when looking at them,deep in Ma's heart wishing that she also could has a girl:))..or maybe she had?only Allah knows...
Tsukimi & May..tell u what!the girls are more active than boys themselves!May could run faster than me!huhuhu...may be she's more appropriate to be called as Abe family's son while her big sister,June is the daughter;)..wow..wow...kalau depa dengaq nie mati la akuuuuu..
Well,to tell you the truth,there were a few more "happenings"actually but not really nice to mention in here;)..in short,I beg for your forgiven Ma..and Ma as Aunty Hana said,"keras di luar tapi lembut di dalam"<=mcm kuih!..especially to his one & only son..but hey!don't ever think life's that easy and can be taken for granted huh! After a long,long day..I had my "soba" for dinner and slept soundly at 7:50pm..(Ma & Pa lega gila aku tidoq awai..haha!) p/s:Aunty Ana..mm..alahaii...shy,shy la plakkk...wonder when's your blog's official launching..hahaha... "Ada Apa Denganmu"
Mama ohh mama..
I suggest you have your own blog where you can just let your XXXXXXX things out without having to be "bersopan" in Qayyim's blog, kan qayyim! heheheeh,
my blog's official launch? emm tungguuu.....
gambare mama!
Na..huhuhu...nop,x per kot...tks 4 d suggestion!know y?job'll precisely be doubled & surely aku x kn update this frequently..well,if I keep up on this blog,then at least aku bleh blaja utk byk2 bwk bersabar & redha!anyway,I learnt many things from kids..full of enthusiasm,never give up when crazy over something & etc..lgpn klu aku wat blog aku sendiri zettai aku xkan kasik kt sesapa..hahaha!30SX kot?
hahahhahh...lawak betuii hampa dua oghang nih... ish ish qayyim...tak habih2 main berudu lagi kaaa... hahhahahh...lawak betuii la... teringat zaman kecik2 dulu..auty pun suka main berudu.. bawa masuk dlm sinki rumahhh....hahhahha... lembut saja badan dia...hahhahahah
Nadia..haaa!tu la..klu berudu tu pi celok dr parit ka sungai bersih x pa gak..nie kolam tu mecha-kucha kitaneiii!!penuh dgn sampah..tu yg Mama gone crazy!hahhaha..budak2 mcm2 la sementara nk besaq..xpa,nnt qayyim besaq soh dia baca "diary"dia nih..br dia tau apa xtvt dia masa kecik2...br dia tau...hehhehe
hahaha.. sebenaqnya malu nak habaq tadi, aku pun dulu masa sekolah rendah tetiap ari masuk "kolam berudu" kat sekolah, it was actually a hole, yg tukang kebun korek to tanam pokok yg besaq-besaq tu, so it was quite deep, and the berudu was soooOO cute! nasib baik ada geng nadia ekk!!
wehhh...ada geng la tuhhh...dah cop anak katak la nih kat dahi!..hehhe..aku x penah main berudu la weh!never kamo!haha...berani la try klu x mo kena kejaq dgn parang satu kampung dgn Mak aku..
hahahahah... hana!!! kita boleh bukak kelab berudu nih!!!! umie.. try aaa join qayyim main berudu... syokkk oooo.... :P
hahha..nnt la carik kolam hat lawa2 sket klu nk main berudu pon...asal jgn kolam yg berudu dok gigit katak mati tuh..tah2 mak dia dak hat mati tu??uihh...
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