Orientation began today and the start of the school year is underway.Well,I was kind of nervous yet Ma was very nervous. Ma was just afraid of the crying that might occur. Fortunately, we made it out although it was close..hehehehe
Schools are huge buildings. Particularly if you are going from a neighborhood elementary school to a middle school or stepping up to a high school. You might wonder, “How will I ever figure out how to get around in there?” or “There will never be enough time for me to walk that distance between classes.” On a personal level there are concerns such as, “Will my teacher like me?” “With whom will I eat lunch?” and “Will there be bullies in the classroom? How about, “Will anyone care that I am here?”
On the contrary, my first day of school was incredibly smooth and even fun. The students were, for the most part, well-behaved and polite. The staff was incredibly helpful with administrative stuff. Many of the teachers are smart, talented and good-hearted. The principal is an amazing leader. I seemed to have walked into public school Kodaira. It’s too good to be true…
Thanks to Ma & Pa for your support,trust,faith and love. I am ready to go to school and am willing to follow through. I am still nervous and I know it will be a challenge for me.Anyway,I will give myself this semester to figure out which major I truly want and where I need to go to get the best education I need .
A thought:-
Parents and teachers need to send the same message to kids about to go to school:
1. This is important.
2. You can do it.
3. I won’t give up on you
..but rather than those stated above, Ma believes that the most important is to trust & have faith in your kids that they absolutely can do it,insyaAllah!
Sou sou! You can do it!! Faito!! San patshu!! Kaminoke ii ne!!
Uncle Nazmi,yesza!!aja..aja..fighting!!rambut ka?hahaha..mau tiru??kimochiiyo('-')/
Ainin & Aiman pun dah potong "supo-tsu gari". ala... lebih kurang Qayyim jugak. he..he... ader geng la sekarang.
Aunty Hani,aah!mmg itu la "menu" yg slalu Mama order klu gi gunting rambut saya;)tp heran tol la...lain kedai lain "rasa" dia..hehe..fushigidane!
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