Preparation For School
I'll be wearing this coat/suit for the Entrance Ceremony this Friday...but how odd that here in Japan usually kids will wear short pants instead of long pants while they're in suits...just can't imagine that!Anyway,let's wait & see how I'll look like huh!?hehehe....
My school bag or known as "randoseru" and it's compulsory for schools in Japan...we can't bring like Swan bags etc to class..huhu!dah la beg ni mahal and it usually costs about 30,000yen(approximately RM1,000.00)but luckily Ma managed to buy a cheap one(8,000yen=RM240.00,with 3 years warranty) from yahoo shopping:)..yattane!
Shoes to be worn inside the school/ colour is for Standard 1 freshies :)
A red & simple pencil box...we are not allowed to bring those cute,funky,various colours & with cartoons to school in order to avoid distinguishment among the pupils..wallahualam!..but in Japan such thing is possible & it might happen..
See what's was written in the list that I should bring 4-5 2B pencils,1 red pencil for marking purpose,an eraser(without nice smell & colour) daily to school..macam2 la law kat Jepun nih...hihi...and not forgotten,with name seals sticked onto them!
My stationery box to be kept inside the class drawer..let's take a look what's inside..
..consists of a pencil sharpener,scissors,crayon,glue(orthodox style!hehe..),pencil colour,pencils,clay & desk pad...Ma & Pa bought them yesterday & I was left alone at home..Ma said,"Belajar-belajarlah tinggal sorang kat rumah incase nanti Ma ada kelas sampai malam..."...WHAT????!!!
Gym cap,t-shirt & short pants...even in winter also I should wear these stuffs...sure sejuk giler nihhhhhh...grrrrrrrrrr...
Got school logo & my name printed on the PE t-shirt and other stuffs...Ma did it last night..arigatou!!!
Ichinen-sei ni nattara.. ichinen-sei ni nattara.. no more games no more games.. benkyo shi na yo!! Muhahahaa!!
cutenyer all those stuff... aunty nak jugak....huwaaaaa... qayyim... share nak?? ngeh ngeh ngehhh
Uncle Nazmi,boku to asobi wa koibito mitaiyo...hanarerarenaimon!hihihihi...
Aunt. Nad..mau gak ka??bleh x nk share...aunty amik qayyim punya,pastu soh uncle nazmi belikan hat baru na!heheheh...uncle,dou?dou??
izu kun, nyugaku omedetou.
gakkou wa dou desu ka?
otomodachi takusan dekimashita ka?
30man?? takaiyo!!
Abang Aiman punya 4man datta yo.
nenek belikan, bukan mama & papa :D
Aunty Hani,arigatou!ichiou ashita wa nyuugakushiki ga atte,rasihuu no getsuyoubi kara gakkou nanda..tomodachi wa ne..youchien no tomodachi mo iru kara,daijoubu kanatte!gomen!gomen!30mang janai wa...3mang yen datte!gomenne...terlebih satu "kosong"!..hihihi...4mang yen mo takai yo ne...boku no mon wa 8sen yen dattaze!!!meccha yasuiyo;)
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