Pa,Ma & I had tempura,miso soup & plain rice for dinner today.Actually tempura's one of my favorite food and Ma cooked it within less than 30 minutes..mula2 masak nasik,sambil tu rebus air,then sambil masak miso soup goreng tempura sekali..cepat & tepat macam poskod!sesuai untuk ibu2 yg bekerja & belajar..hehehe.sebenarnya Mama banyak kerja sekolah & tak sempat nak masak..haha!byk la alasan..penyegan sama nih!..err..kalau kat M'sia,dinner kitorang ni lebih kurang macam nasi kosong,ikan kering/ikan goreng ngan sup sayur..memang sempoi habissss..tapi alhamdulillah,dapat jugak menikmati rezeki Allah hari ni..
Tempura consisted of shiitake mushrooms,prawns(looked weird without their tails..actually Ma bought them for "ebichili"),scallops,kisu-hiraki(a kind of fish)..simple but makan time panas2 mmg best!!While eating,Pa & Ma were talking about M'sia's current political situation,which was becoming more "critical" day by day with lots of gossips,scandals etc etc..apala nak jadi?tak nak ambik tau,tapi kita juga adalah rakyat Msia & baik buruk itulah negara tanah tumpah darah kita..tapi sampai bila??Anyway,hope for the better,insyaAllah!
And this one is the Miso soup (味噌汁, miso shiru in Japanese) ,a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a stock called "dashi" into which is mixed softened miso paste. Although the suspension of miso paste into dashi is the only characteristic that actually defines miso soup, many other ingredients are added depending on regional and seasonal recipes as well as personal preference.Well,Ma made it on her own style by adding some wakame(sea weed),asari(clam) & enoki(some sort of white mushroom)...habis seperiuk kami anak beranak kerjakan!hehe..
weh.. lapik meja bunga-bunga pink gitu!!
hahah.. kesitu pulak la yg aku tengok..
camna nak buat ebichilli? ajaq mai sket..
bukan pink woo..purple mehh..hehe..99yen shop mari!ebichilli..sonang yo!boh cili sos+sos tomato,sos tiram,gula sket,garam..jadik aaaa..jgn boh lada,sat lg pedaih!
oppss..lupa!last sekali boh tepung jagung sket kasik pekat
uiiiissshhh.... dalam dok bz2 tuh dan lagi masak.... cayalah!!! nadia sure makan kat luaq saja.. huhuh
nadia..hehehe!demi anak & suami camna pon kena jugak masak...ayaq tangan tu penting wooo..hehhe!gambare!
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