Ohhh Sushi..
We went to eat sushi for Papa's birthday celebration last night..so simple yet supa-dupa yummy:)
p/s:these are the sushi samples..well,almost similar with those we had last night;)
In Japan, and increasingly abroad, conveyor belt sushi/sushi train (kaiten zushi) restaurants are a popular, cheap way of eating sushi. At these restaurants, the sushi is served on color-coded plates, each color denoting the cost of that piece of sushi. The plates are placed on a conveyor belt or boats floating in a moat. The belt or boat passes the sushi by the customers who can pick and choose what they want. After finishing, the bill is tallied by counting how many plates of each color have been taken. Some kaiten sushi restaurants in Japan operate on a fixed price system, with each plate, consisting usually of two pieces of sushi, generally costing ¥100.
Commonly-used fish are tuna,Japanese amberjack,snapper,conger,mackerel and salmon. The most valued sushi ingredient is toro, the fatty cut of tuna. This comes in varieties ōtoro (often from the bluefin species of tuna) and chutoro, meaning middle toro, implying it is halfway in fattiness between toro and regular red tuna (akami).And this is ōtoro...nyum!nyummm!!
Birthday Guy..even "paparazzi" was being ignored when it came for sushi time..
Our happy family..ōtoro bakari wo tabeta(just ate ōtoro)..hehehe..actually we're ōtoro 's big fans!!
Bai Lu@Lucy-Ma's MBA colleague,a foreign student from China whom studied in Nagoya City,Japan since Junior High School..she came to our house last night before we departed for Otaru-Zushi just to tell Ma that she got a job at Asahi Kasei..congates!congrates!big omedetou to Bai Lu too!!and she joint us for the sushi dinner..after we came back,another gal-Kou Biyou-also Ma's MBA colleague from Taipei came along & brought some "dorayaki" for Papa;)
...today's Ma's 1st day of school after a long..long...holiday...but she's rather worried of me coz she'll only be back a few hours after I come back from school,which means today's the first time I survive all on my own...warghh!!!shinpaidawa!!kodomo ni makasetemo iinokana??anyway,she had already asked for May-chan's Mom(Aunty Mami)'s help to take care of me,make sure I don't go to the frog pool and straight away be at home..well,I'm sure she'll do it for Ma and I'll be safe,insyaAllah!and me...don't worry to much ok?I'm a big boy now and I'll obey what Ma & Pa said & try to do the best..some how,that'll be only for today right?hope so!
waaaa...jeles nih...nak kena mkn sushi gak lah.. heheh
happy birthday...moga bergembira...
Wahh sedapnya sushi... saya suka sesgt... Boleh lah izzqayim ajar saya nanti..
Ehhh betul ker nick name nih? ..Saya link your url di blog saya yea..
Eppy Birthday!!!
Kedai sushi yg akak bawak kiteorg gi aritu mmg best. 2 tumbs up!! :D
Btw, ni kedai yg same ke?
Hie Ajzie,Izz Qayyim's my son's name actually..nama saya Umi Kartini,just call me Umie kay?aah!mmg feberet kitorg tuh..klu sushi jek anytime!spashly my little hyperactive hero;)..also sashimi,totally raw fish tu..mmg slalu beli raw fish(made for sushi/sashimi)kt supermarket & blk potong,cicah dgn shoyu(soy sauce)btw,Alya & Ammar kiut sesgt..also,nice job on the nice pics..best la tgk blog ajzie:)very inspirable..keep up the good work!
Nadia!!!...jom!jom!kita p makan sushi!camner presentation?sure tip-top nih!gambare!!!nie pon semlm pi kelaih teruih dpt assignment..huhuhu..antaq ari senin nih!potong stim betoi laaaaa..iskk!
Farah!TQ!!!aah..mmg kedai tu ler..hehhe..best kan??ohya lupaa!!!gomen!gomen!lupa nk sms semenjak tuko softbank ni;)err..CD tu dh slamat sampai...arigatou('-')/..baby canner?genki?x lama lagi nk bersalin kan?PhD canner?gambatte!
Izuuuu!! Sushi kuiteeeei!! Okane cyoodai!!!
hehehe..Uncle Nazmi,mai la umah!kita p makan sama2 na!sedap hingga menjilat jari kaki woooo...(yerks!)
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