Wednesday 2 January 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Izz Qayyim says Happy "Mickey Mouse" New Year to all friends,relatives and visitors to this blog.May the new year turn out to be the happiest and the best for you.

Uncle Walid,Auntie Yan & Arisa Rena came to our house for lunch on Sunday afternoon and later on we spent the New Year's Eve at Uncle Faizal's house(it was very nice to first met baby Aqil Armani),together with Uncle Zameer,Uncle Che',Uncle Taufiq & Auntie Apie.Thanks to Auntie Lina & Uncle Faizal for their delicious "Mee Soto" and gyouza(*^-^*).
On the first day of 2008,we spent a night at Uncle Walid's house and after Pa & Uncle Walid did their new year shopping at Akihabara,we went to Uncle Nazmi's house to visit Auntie Nadia & Naael Al-Hadi.Many thanks again to Uncle Walid & family for their hospitality(^-^)/

My new year's resolution is to accomplish last year's goals,including to become Ma & Pa's good boy,to improve my Japanese,English,Malay & religious studies,to get physically fit and many more!What about yours?Anyway,for what ever it is,wish you all the best and may all your hopes and plans for this year come true.

I hope that 2007 was a good year for you and that 2008 will be even better(^-^)/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
