I'm sooooooooo happy today coz it's snowing!!
Alhamdulillah...at last my dreams came true!yeah!yeah!!!
Actually Ma was about to bring me to skiing this Feb but the possibility's very low since we've to move out to a new place in Feb too..huhuhu...kenapa la Tokyo ni susah sangat nak snow??iskkk...
But never mind with that..coz I could touch the snow white now!
Wowwieeee..no word can describe my feeling!
Anyway these are some pics by Ma this morning..wait for my pics to come next huh!?Nantiiiiiiii...(^-^)/
bgn ari ni tgk tv pasal yuki kat tokyo. terus teringat kat akak coz of your previous entry. lambat gak yer tokyo turun yuki. Kyushu lg cepat turun yuki tahun ni.
apape pun hatsuyuki omedetou!!! :D
yokatta ne!!
yokatta! yokatta!!
kochi wa futtenaikedo..
sankyu sankyuu...pehh!mcm la pesta hape tokyo turun yuki..hehehehe..jakuntara!
itu ler..yokatta!
ni kira bkn hatsuyuki gak sbb yg turun lepas2 ni time mlm & x tsumoru langsung!arini kira puas la...bkn apa,tokyo ni teruk klu snow tebal..ala2 KL banjir la..huhuhuhu
Allooooo......sonok nampak men yuki tuhhh.......Qayyim tlg kandid gamaq mama mai nk tgk skit...aunty rasa mama qayyim lg excited pa dr anak dia.........kehkehkehkeh...
Auntie Kirah,
Mama x bagi pegang camera dia....takut basah dia kata:Plagu mana nak candid gambag.....huhuhuhu
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