Yesterday was the first experience for me & Ma to hike a mountain.We went to Mount. Takao,a mountain in the city of Hachioji,Tokyo,Japan,located approximately 45minutes by train from my house,together with Ma's MBA colleagues.
Its me and Koji-niichan(Brother Koji).He became my best friend since yesterday:))
We went up by using the chairlift,so called an "Echo Lift"
The Echo Lift's distance is 872 m/2,861 ft., compared to cable car which is 1.0 km/0.6 mi.
A long way up..
Standing 599 m.,Mount Takao is a popular hiking spot.
The entrance,after went down the chairlift.
Menuju Puncak!!
"Touro" in Japanese..according to Koji-niichan,these red things are being used to put in the lighting candles at night.
Koji-niichan@Brother Koji,I wanna see the sceenery down there please!
Yes!yes!!It's wonderful!!!
Mount. Fuji's view from Takao..what a hard shot!
Shinjuku City's view from Mount Takao
It's Tokyo City...
5 of us:Koji-niichan@Bro. Koji,Me,Bai Lu,Ma & Biyou
I had "Oden" for lunch,at a small restaurant on our way to the top
Yerkkk...first time ever to deal with a weird vanilla ice cream's taste and really can't stand it:(
Eating & chatting
Peace('-')/..alhamdulillah..berjaya jugak sampai ke puncak:)
Finally,we reached the top after walking for almost 1 & 1/2 hours!!While taking a short break,we had our lunch..
Found a "big ant" and some caterpillars
A Buddhist Temple, Takaosan Yakuōin Yūkiji, is located on the mountain.
Another "weird action" by me..hehe
Mount Takao is closely associated with tengu, minor kami@god from Japanese folklore.
The shortest 2 hours of way down....there is a local rumor, especially amongst young adults, where couples who climb Mount Takao will separate shortly thereafter.
A real "Salem High Country"
Jungle book..
Wild orchids found all the way up and down the mountain
And finally we managed to come down the mountain safely,alhamdulillah....well,it was a very nice yet tiring experience and I'm looking forward to go to the other mountain soon!...err....Koji-niichan dah ngantuk dah tu...hehe
It's a Hello Kitty's pop-corn vending machine
In the train...Biyou first fall asleep(not in pic.) and later Bai Lu..
...even adults are tired,and the more do I..penatnya Tuhan saja yang tahu,tapi ku gagahkan juga...muscle kaki sakit woooo
While Koji-niichan & others went to Kunitachi City to have their lunch,Ma & I drooped by at Hachioji City and there I met Uncle Rasyid at Starbucks
Pa & Uncle Nazmi were also there...later Aunt. Nad also came and joined us..bestnyer!!guess what?Uncle Nazmi nak balik M'sia 3 minggu,amik Naael..nak ikut gak bleh??rindunya kat M'sia..huhuhu
Well,you do have a goal, don’t you? At least one, I’m sure you have.
Achieve goals, or becoming a goal getter is very much like climbing a mountain, hike up bit by bit. Sometimes, you may feel insurmountable because it so steep, but sometimes you may discover that the slope is somewhere at the back of mountain.
Yes, so what? We still have goals to achieve, we still have dream to follow. Where is source of our motivation? What we should do now is 1) think about goals that we want to accomplish in next 12 months. 2) Imagine, visualize them, and access our inner feeling. And ask ourself “How do I feel about these goals now?”
Keep every step toward the mountain of success. Just like when you ask Aristotle how to get to The Mount Olympus he replies “”By simply ensuring that each step you take is toward Mount Olympus.”
ii naaaaa. Undou ni narimas ne!! Ada jumpa Mushi tak?? yang kecik kecik tak nak... Uncle nak yg KING punya. Mushi King!! Hahahaha!! Apa yg Uncle cakap nih!! patut pun dah pukul 2 pagi.. ngantuk! Eh nanti jom gi Kawaguchi-ko pulak..! Uncle ajor Qayyim tangkap Fishi KING!! Hahaha!!
Atooo.. siapa yang pakai baju kotak2 sebelah papa Qayyim tu?? Fuh!! Hensem!! Apasal Qayyim ambil sekerat.. alahaiiii!! 100 yen kasshite..!
mmg undou sakan Uncle...balik mlm surrender abih!sakit muscle kaki time panjat gunung la katakann..hahaha...nanti balik natsu yasumi Ma ajak pi panjat Bukit Lagi depan umah Tok tuh...hahaha...laa...x tidoq lagi ka?Mama pon dok wat report nih....nak abih dah!tu la ghaya sakan lagi!..huhuhuhu...apo nak buekkk
ala...tak yah SA la..tau dah Uncle Nazmi yg nulih tuhh...harharharr...barechatta!
uiks!cam tau ja sapa punyer skrip "100yen kashite!" tuh...tiru aaaaaa
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