Thursday 24 May 2007

Scary Dream

Ma hasn’t been posting much lately on my blog, but she has some very good reasons. For one, she's been busy on her assignments and lecturer's requests lately.And the other one is,she's even more busy to accompany me playing outside with my good friends(almost everyday;))Sorry Ma!gomennasai..gomennasai..gomennasaiiiii m(_ _)m

Oww..before I forgot,let me tell you about my dream..a real scary dream!!!
What a strange dream last night. I like it not at all. I dreamed that my pet-kabutomushi larva-had been eaten by the other bigger worms.I cried aloud and woke up...and told Pa that my pet had been eaten to death!Pa smiled at me and told me to go to sleep....
Phew!Thank God that was only a dream!I think this dream came about because I'm really scared of losing my pet!oh nooooo....


Anonymous said...

Ano imo-muhi tabecyatta.. Gomennasai!! Gomennasai!! 100 yen kashiteee...!! Dah pukui 2 pagi... uncle lalok laaa!!

Anonymous said...

qayyim... aunty nadia rasa... nih musti sbb baca buku tuh... ada worm makan larva.. sampai minpi2... hahahahah...

Izz Qayyim said...

uncle nazmi,
100yen ka singgit?cepat2 bwk mai naael cni...nk main ngan dia!

aunt. nad,
hehehhe..tau tak pa...sampai terbawak2 dlm mimpi..huhuhuhu