School Open Day(Day1)
This week is my school's open day and parents & other families could come and see our class.So,this morning Ma & Pa went to see my P.E. class and I was very glad to see them too;)
Me & other boys,with Watanabe Sensei('-')/
Kopitiam again!..chatting with my best friend-Souma.The boy on the right hand side is Ma-kun@Masahiro Yamamoto....he has very cute little eyes...Ma selalu cari bebola mata dia masa bercakap tapi tak jumpa!aallala...hehhehe...
What so funny huh?Well,P.E. is really fun and approximately an hour of class is absolutely not enough!!!
Getting ready for a relay...
It's lunch time....yeahhhh!!!
Guys-0n-duty...mine was on last 2 weeks:)
I love chatting!hahahhaha...
My food...alhamdulillah,thank God the school is really helpful for willing to arrange a "special muslim menu" for me...
Today's menu-Plain Curry Rice,Okazu,Orange & Fresh Milk
My seat..every week our seats will be changed and chances to make new friends increase every second,minute,hour,day,week and so on...
My table-mates;ehem!they seems to like me either!ahaks!
Delicious...and I even asked for more!lapo sebenarnya sebab tak makan breakfast pagi tadi..opppsss!!!I skipped my breakfast again..huhuhuhu
My best friend-Souma next door;)
alhamdulilah kat sekolah ada serve halal food kan..
Disini kami pun cari sekolah yg mcm tuh. Tetapi tiada yg serve halal food disini. Sekolah yg kami hantar Alya ini sekolah yg serve sayuran sahaja..
Sekrang kalau lunch or dinner pun Alya minta lada capsium rebus aje..hihihihi..
aah azie..mmg syukur sesgt..kalau tak jenuh la mama nak masak bentou(bekal)tiap2 ari..huhuhuhu...
Bento..azi tahu..coz dulu tiap2 hari boss bawa bento..hahahaha.. PAstu tuh selalu kirim kak emah bekas bento yg comel2 bila kak emah ke Japan..hihihi
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