Saturday 20 October 2007

My First Chicken Curry

MA:Izu-kun,kyou no yuuhan nanisuru?(Izz-kun,what do you want for dinner today?)
ME:Hmm..boku chikin-kare ga tabetai naaaa..(Hmm..I feel like having a chicken curry)
MA:Eeee..demo tabeta bakkari jyan?(but we just ate it right?)
ME:Arigatou!Jya,boku ga tetsudatte ageru.(Thanks!I'll lend you a hand.)
MA:Hontouni?Yosh!Yarouka:)(Really?All right!Let's make it:))
First,I helped Ma to cut the carrots and potatoes into interesting forms.
The making..
The forms..
Some of our collections.
Mula-mula tumis bawang dan serbuk kari..then stir them careful of the hot pot!
Whatever I do,I do it earnestly.
Nak siap dah...
The Curry
Take a break,have a "chawan mushi"
Washing plates and etc.
I made it!
Aeroplane,flower and little chicks;)
Wooppsss...sorry!I forgot about something very important! we received a big parcel sent by Mak Ngah.Thanks Mak Ngah!Ma happy sesangat dapat baju raya dia...don't worry,still bleh pakai masa raya haji nanti,insyaAllah!


Hani said...

oishisoooo--- yodare wo tarashite shimaimashita yo.
cyoudai!! cyoudai!!!

lina said...

amboi, rajinya dia...

Izz Qayyim said...

Auntie Hani,
iiyo;)hitosara 1,000yen ne:))

Auntie Lina,
kwangkwangkwang..lapo sgt tuh!sbb tu ghajin:P

lina said...

wuih, satu 1,000 yen ka?

Izz Qayyim said...

Auntie Lina,
hihi..bisnes maaaa:P

Mr X said...

hehe, mana gigi..??

Izz Qayyim said...

Salam Uncle Jo:)
gigi?hihi..tikus curi:P