Wednesday 26 September 2007

Today's Buka Puasa Menu(260907)

Ma went to Shibuya this morning to meet Auntie Hana and from there they went to the Embassy of Malaysia on foot.Lama gak la menapaknya;)Seb baik ada penyelamat dunia-Auntie Ani..thanks K.Ani('-')/jasamu dikenang..merasa gak kami naik Honda Stream baru with diplomatic plate no. tu..hehe

So,this is our buka puasa menu for today.."Roti Jala"

Guess why the Roti Jala came with 2 different sizes?Actually the small ones were those Ma received from Auntie Ani...ada la approximately 11 pieces of them.Since tak cukup for the 3 of us,Ma made some more,which were the bigger ones...tak larat nak tebaq jala dah sebenaqnya
My favourite Chicken Curry
Tengah makan dengan khusyuknya.But only Ma & I had dinner since Pa had to attend ceremony apatah kat ofis dia.
Macam pacat kekenyangan..alhamdulillahhh..err...lepas makan roti jala,makan ultraman pulak for dessert:))


ainizakri said...


Sapa tah kata tadi.."err..tak yah la...cukup tu cukup tak yah susah -susah "

pelakon hindustan sungguh hang ni...

Izz Qayyim said...

muehehehe..alahai k.ani...malu la den nak soh boh byk2..satgi tak jadi pi bagi kat jiran2 kottttttt