When Japanese people return from school, work, a trip, etc., they will say "Tadaima" to announce their return. This is not just something to say when you have been away for a long time,but in other words,this is also an everyday saying and consider a polite behavior. So,when you came back from school,took off your shoes and just started rummaging through the refrigerator,Japanese people would consider your behavior as very impolite,since you didn't even let others in the house know you were back. Likewise,the other(s) in the house with you would welcome you back by saying "Okaeri nasai", or just "Okaeri" if they are being less formal.
Well,this is similar to the Muslims too.You should say "Assalamualaikum" whenever you enter the house or to let your parents or others in the house know that you're back.For me,Ma taught me to say both "Assalamualaikum" and "Tadaima",when I got back from school or else...ghee..it's not hard to be good huh?!
okaeri! rindu kat izu-kun takde apdet semlm.
Cakap aje tapi tak tau makna pun...
Auntie Lina,
tadaimaaaa!!!..hehehe..Ma skang dah slow skit sbb dok kejo final presentation on dec ni:(..gomenne..m(_ _)m
Auntie Ahni,
konnichiwa=good afternoon(*^-^*)
ok la tuhh..paih ni tera la nampak gayanya;)
Ohayo....tingat masa aunty pi sana dulu....kalo kita dok di mesia ni kasut skolah tu belah hidari tang lain migi tang lain...pi sana depa ajaq suruh susun elok2 lagu tu...blh pun buat....balik mesia lagu tu la jugak....dah tua2 ni pun kdg2 berteraboq jgk kasut....hikhikhikhhik
Auntie CheYah,
Qayyim aritu masa balik mesia pon jadi tukang susun kasut..hehehe..dah besa la Auntie.Bukan apa,Ma tu sat lagi dia jeling macam nak makan kalau Qayyim tak susun kasut kat pintu masuk umah:P
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