Wednesday 11 June 2008


From Ma's mailbox yesterday;
"I am a proud owner of this chicken pic that is now being used in
Wikipedia.. the original pic can be seen in
Just sharing with you all my happiness.... (riakkah??? mahaplah poyo sket
) really happy coz it can be used to help defining some important
things for knowledge purpose." deserved it Auntie Syde(*^-^*)!!

By the way,this is KOKOQ,tapi KOKOQ dah tiada..huhuhu..nak baca kisah KOKOQ ni pegi kat blog Auntie Syde,member srikandi Ma(^-^)v.Tapi tak sesia Auntie Syde snapped gambo KOKOQ bebanyak before KOKOQ pergi buat selama-lamanya sebab dengan bangganya KOKOQ jadi replika kat WIKIPEDIA..wowww!!!Itulah kan..tuah ayam bukan sahaja nampak di taji...(^_-)


PerantauSepi1306 said...

wakakaakka... sangat terharu.. tima kaseyyy umie... malu ai.. ;D

Izz Qayyim said...

muehehe..nk malu watpa aihhh...kembang montotttttt...heheh!