I'm here,no where to go,but sooo MA.LAS!!Besides hands full of daily tasks and guess what?I have my own FB account already!Hoorayy!!
Ahaks..err..must I give a celebration on it?Un-no..actually Pa created it for me for I always interframing him playing BeJewelled:P
Well,to start with,here I am..alive & kicking around,with my various faces-off;)
Good boy's smile:)
Anxious Me!
I'm rather Happy-Go-Lucky(^-^)v
So what!!?
Uhuk!uhuk!!I'm sad..:(
My sweetie Chara can now walk..how time flies!
It's Chara's 2nd autumn and she's darn freezing..grrrr
She was like,"Apa tengok-tengok??Any prob babe?"..ahaks!