Sunday 24 May 2009

Weekend Getaway-PI

We went to mandi sungai last weekend..yes!already maaaa!
And that was one of our last minute plans,as usual..tehehehehe;)
Anyway,many thanks to dearie Uncles and Aunties.You guys are really great!!!I loikeeee..(*^-^*)
The white bridge across blue river..hohoho
The MazDa(s) and HonDa(^-^)v
Chara & Amir Ryu..
The busy lil' GoldFish Aqil Amani..tehehehe!
Lone ranger,during the 1st half;)
I just love it!
The 3 of us..unfortunately this one happened to be our last pic for the day since Ma totally forgot to recharge the digicam's battery!KORRA!!!!

And our journey always end up with the best part..GoTemBa!!!ahaks!


lina said...

awat cetek benar air tu. Mana puas nak berendam!!! :D

Izz Qayyim said...

lina..tu kawasan yg cetek ler:)pas mkn baghu derang gi kawasan yg bley dive2 kt atas skit..meriah gituuu!hehe..