My baby sista is 7 months today.
- She sprouts her first white caps(two middle teeth on the bottom)on Pa's birthday!So easy to remember right?!hehe..anyway to ease her discomfort,we gave her something to chew on although sometimes she'd be getting more emotional and started to cry loudly.
- She can now says "MaaMaa","PaaPaa",and hardly for "BaaBang".Also "TaTaTaTaTa..","TaaDakk..",and many more of baby talks."MaMaMaMaMa.." is when she cries,"PaPaPaPa.." and "TaaDakkk.."when she plays alone or wakes up from bed,while "BaBang" is when she plays with me.See!That's why Abang loves you Dear(*^-^*)
- She is now actively engages in hiding games and likes INAI INAI BAAA!!! very much!
- She's also keen on musics and laughs loudly every time Ma sings songs to her.So far she really likes Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Star.Err..with actions huh!
- She's being sooooo curious about every thing!And it seems that at this age she begins to test Ma's authority by refusing to follow her simple directions.
- Guess what!She admires her reflection in a mirror and it's so cute!!!hehehe..
- She's also beginning to understand of the world around her.Earlier,when Ma left the room,Chara was hardly phased.But now whenever she saw Ma wore her tudung,she knew that Ma would be gone and began to cry as soon as Ma's out of her sight.
And there are even many more!
Anyway,looking at Chara's development is really fun and I can't wait to see her putting on her first step;)
Waaaah... mengancam tul anak dara sorang ni posing. :)
pose mautttt ekekekke leh jadik model iklan sabun susu kambing auntie nie...
anak dara ni mmg suka posing pon:)budak2 zaman skangggggg;))
tu dia.. tunjuk betih gebu.. hehhe.. sensored ni.. :D
betih tu la hat dok kuat menendang mak dia!hehehehe
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